
Les Archanges - Dans sa Grace

Another beautifful rap song in french,from what has become my favourite girls gospel group!


Milele Mercy Masika

Kenya's gospel music hottest chick (my opinion),

marion shako

Another one that i like!


Do you guys know that Marion Shako now has a website at www.marionshako.com. She is one of the hottest and most brilliant gospel musicians whose details,life story and interviews i will be posting very soon.Her style of music is dynamic,unique,smooth and definately fits in well with the 21st century style.

Jesus i believe - Eunice Njeri

Believe me or not,this is my best song from this album and i trully love it,and the girls are also pretty!


This is a promo of Eunice's album titled Bwana Yesu which was done by Africanacts and you can actually now purchase her music online.I will be giving more details later on how to.Enjoy!!!


Eunice Njeri, whom about three years ago many had not even heard about her,is definately a house hold name in the Kenya Gospel Music scene today.I can still remember her back in the days she used to sing at Joan Mwangangi's queens night at Nairobi cinema and later City Hall and to tell you the truth,i never imagined(and im sure she also never did) that she would be one of the hottest and talented female gospel artists to take the Kenyan gospel music scene by storm. Little did she know what the master had for her. Eunice Njeri's musical journey started at a very young age back in primary school when she would sing in school music events. She lead the school choir and even started to write her own songs. But her journey has not been easy at all. In 2003,she came to Nairobi, naive as she was and jobless, to live with a relative who chased her away as they could not understand why she spent time doing music instead of looking for a proper job. Can you even imagine that she had to sleep out in the cold and on the streets but she never gave up. She joined the harvest church whereby she did not only grow spiritually but also musically. In 2007,her debut album,Bwana Yesu, produced by billy frank and prince cam media was produced. Since then,her career and ministry has flourished and let me assure you guys that this is definately one gospel artiste to watch out for. Above are some of the videos from her latest album Bwaba Yesu.