
Esther Wahome : Success Story

Perhaps most of you knew Esther since she released the Song "Furahia" which became an instant hit across the country of Kenya. But the truth is that Esther had been around since 1992 and had two or three other album's but she was not known.Since she released the song "Furahia", both local and international doors opened for her like never before as she says in this interview done a while ago:
"The highest point of my career was when i received news that "Furahia" had been compiled alongside the most popular international  musicians.This door introduced me to millions of people across the world and created a platform for my career"

This was not enough.Little did Esther know that God has greater plans for her and had much more in store.Her hit album which was one of the few albums ever to go Platinum in Kenya "Kuna Dawa" was released.Some of the songs were shot in Europe.Since then,doors opened for Esther to perform in USA,Canada,Europe,Africa and even Israel. The song Kuna Dawa soon became an anthem in radio stations and the most unimaginable place for a gospel song to play "IN THE BAR" This just points to the power of God.She is indeed a blessed lady and a role model for may musicians and a very good business lady.Her latest album "Daktari" is breathe taking and has become an instant hit.I will be posting more information about her.  

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